Rashid Al Nuaimi Honors Competencies Who Won The International Green Flag Award

His Highness Sheikh Rashid bin Humaid Al Nuaimi, Chairman of the Municipality and Planning Department – Ajman, has honoured the Department’s dedicated talents who have played a significant role in the successful winning by The Science Al Ezz Avenue Park, and Al Raqayeb Forest Park in the Emirate of Ajman of the prestigious 2023 International […]
Ensuring Holistic Sustainability 8335 Green Buildings in Ajman

The Municipality and Planning Department in Ajman has reported a total of 8335 green buildings in the emirate that adhere to the green building standards for residential buildings, in accordance with the directives of the state and the methodologies followed in the Year of Sustainability. This initiative has been ongoing for two consecutive years and […]
بلدية عجمان توقع اتفاقية تعاون مع مكتب تنسيق شؤون التعليم بالإمارة

وقعت دائرة البلدية والتخطيط- عجمان اتفاقية تعاون مع مكتب تنسيق شؤون التعليم الخاص بإمارة عجمان، بما ينسجم مع جهود الإمارة لتعزيز جودة التعليم وتحقيق الرؤية المستقبلية للإمارة. ووقع الاتفاقية بالإنابة عن الدائرة سعادة عبد الرحمن محمد النعيمي مدير عام دائرة البلدية، فيما وقع بالإنابة عن مكتب تنسيق شؤون التعليم الخاص سعادة محمود خليل الهاشمي مدير […]
MPDA, PECO sign cooperation agreement

The Municipality and Planning Department – Ajman (MPDA) has signed a cooperation agreement with the Ajman’s Private Education Coordination Office (PECO), in line with the Emirate’s efforts geared towards enhancing education quality and achieving the Emirate’s future vision. On behalf of the two sides respectively, the agreement was signed by His Excellency Abdul Rahman […]